
Gore with soul is a site born of passion.

A passion for horror movies, but not just any horror movie. I believe sometimes an horror movie is capable of teaching us more about our humanity than any other kind of movie. You explore the farthest reaches of the deepest caves in the human soul. You’ll confront your fears or experience the depravity of some twisted mind and be amazed just how far below a human being can go. You see hell does exist and it’s right here all around us. But there’s something else you’ll learn from horror movies. Every once in a while you’ll see that even in the most fucked up situation a person can rise to the occasion and breakthrough any unforgiving odds. You’ll see glimmers of hope inside a serial killers den, you’ll see people sacrificing themselves for love, you’ll see friendship coming above everything else. And don’t forget that you’ll appreciate your life much more… at least some of us will…

You’ll read news and reviews here. But mostly reviews I have a specific method for rating the movies I see. There are three categories:

Gore – This goes from 1 to 5 blood splatters. 1 being a movie where some people die but there’s not enough blood to fill a syringe, almost everything happens off screen, and there’s not much rotting body parts or any other type of gore. Most ghost movies fall on this category. While 5 is a movie filled with blood and body pieces flying around think Ichi the killer or Martirs. Not for the faint of heart. Here are the ratings for gore:

Blood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter good

Blood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter bad

Blood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter badBlood splatter bad

Blood splatter goodBlood splatter goodBlood splatter badBlood splatter badBlood splatter bad

Blood splatter goodBlood splatter badBlood splatter badBlood splatter badBlood splatter bad

Soul – Movies can get from 1 to 5 souls, but here the movie is evaluated through it’s meaning and how long it scars your soul. It can go from 1 where the story doesn’t really matter, you couldn’t care less if people die or not and the movie isn’t even funny just a collection of pictures and scares here and there that you’ve forgot after five minutes, think Paranormal Activity (any of them). Whereas 5 is one of those movies that’ll haunt you forever either because it’s full of meaning or because it haunts your nightmares for a long time after and think about it feels like watching it all over again. Something like A Serbian Film or The Exorcist would fit this. Here are the ratings for soul:

soul goodsoul goodsoul goodsoul goodsoul good

soul goodsoul goodsoul goodsoul goodsoul bad

soul goodsoul goodsoul goodsoul badsoul bad

soul goodsoul goodsoul badsoul badsoul bad

soul goodsoul badsoul badsoul badsoul bad

Cult factor – Some movies are good and you have to see them because of that and others are horrible and you shouldn’t waste time with them. But then there are some movies that turn the tables around, some are so amazingly bad that for one reason or another they have to be seen, they’ve turned to a cult movie. I’m thinking movies like Plan 9 from Outer Space or Them!. Others are good movies, well acted and directed, but their subjects are so overdone that they easily fall into the forget and move on category. Here are the ratings for cult factor:

Stay clear from this!

Watch with moderation.

Nice time killer.

Time well spent!

See before death!

  1. Shadow Girl says:

    I love your blog & nominated you for a LIEBSTER!

    My Liebster Award

  2. Trevor says:

    Good Afternoon,

    HorrorShow Inc has released the latest trailer for the 2013 AIFF Official Selection, House Of Good And Evil. The new trailer and poster are up on the film’s official Facebook page.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you’d like to participate, stop by my blog for rules. If You do not want to participate, that’s fine too. Just wanted to show my appreciation for your blog. http://parlorofhorror.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/versitile-blogger-award-2013/

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